Dear Friends and Families,
Please remember God's directives at the beginning of this world. "Therefore shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they two shall be one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) Beginning with Adam and Eve, a family has been defined as a husband and wife married according to the laws of God and, then later, also according to the laws of the land. Most often this union has been blessed and graced with children. A husband and wife who are faithfully married become partners with God in creating bodies for His spirit children.
This pattern of family living has made it possible to continue family units from one generation to the next. This is cohesive and coherent. If society begins to redefine marriage and the family, it will quickly unravel the fabric of which it is made. Confusion and chaos will only breed confusion and chaos, not children, and definitely not families. There cannot be a new norm here.
In this 21st Century, there are some who think that we have become so sophisticated that we may embrace any kind of barbarism in the name of not discriminating. It is not discrimination to be discriminatory. Neither is it a hate crime to love the laws of God.
Voting to protect traditional marriage is voting to protect your own family. Moroni's words should also become our call to action:
"In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children... (Alma 46:12)
Protect Marriage Traditional Families Are Forever
Very well said Bob!!!!!
Thanks, I couldn't have said it better myself. lol
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